Animal Planet Website

Activity 1.- Go to PETS 101> Dog Breed Selector  > Find your Perfect Breed.

1.1 Respond to the 10 questions in this section. According to your results, what is your favorite dog breed's name? Miniature Schnauzer

1.2 Vocabulary Activity: These words appear in the dog breed questionnaire. Look for the meanings AND add 5 more words that you don't know from the same questionnaire.

example: sprinter: (a dog) that can run very fast in short distances (velocista)
jogger: (a dog) who runs at slow pace (trotador)
breed: to produce young, reproduce, procreate (reproducirse, procrear)
to hunt: to chase or search for (wild animals) for the purpose of catching or killing (cazar)
watchdog: a dog kept to guard property (perro guardian) 
grooming: to clean, brush and otherwise tend (aseo)
1.Coat: a layer of anything that covers a surface, a natural covering (in animals) (pelaje)
2.Playful: full of play or fun (juguetón)
3.Inquisitive: eager for knowledge, curious (curioso)
4.Spunky: courage and determined (valiente)
5.Biddable: willing to do what is asked, obedient (obediente)

> Activity 2.- Select 3 SHOWS that attract your attention. In two lines for each show, tell me why you want to watch these shows.

Show 1: The Vet Life because I can see what things I will do in the future and I can learn about some diseases and  how to get over it. Also I can see the effort of the Vets to helps all of the patients and how much they care of the animals. 
Show 2: The Zoo because I can see what things the Vets can do in a Zoo, and I want to work at a Zoo so it gives me a vision of what I can do working in a Zoo, also I can see animals that I don´t see very often so is more fun.
Show 3: Too Cute because I can see a lot of cute animals, specially puppies. Also I can see how they grow during the time, how they start doing his first things like play, run or explore and how they develop their personalities. 


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